Tuesday, June 21, 2005


yesterday, i watched 5 movies, non-stop...and rite now, i think, Tentang Dia is the best movie among others....Tentang Dia is a movie from Indonesia...i like the movie...although, stereotype issue had been raised in the movie but it had been nicely elabotared....i think this movie is different from other lovey dovey movie becoz it has its own strentgh and played with the emotion of the characters....

love is the main subject of this movie...Gadis who had lost her faith in love when her boyfriend betrayed their love by having affair with her best friend. Randu, who really like Gadis tried his best to win Gadis's heart but Gadis just cold towards him. He tried everything he could, to cheer up Gadis but nothing could change Gadis, until, one day, Gadis accidentally met Rudi, and everything changed. Rudi treat her right and she feel safe and happier when Rudi besides her. Rudi always comfort her, make her smile and protect her form anyone who want to harm or hurt her heart anymore...Gadis fell in love with Rudi but Rudi is not a lesbian coz she only accept Gadis as her own sister (if Rudi a lesbian, i think..she will accept Gadis, as her lover) Gadis feel depressed coz she feel like she had been cheated...one nite, Rudi involved in accident and the truth is revealed and Gadis know that her heart only belongs to Randu.

So emotional, i feel like crying...especially at the last scene of the movie...jika sudah berputus asa dengan cinta, kekeliruan akan berlaku tanpa kita sedari...salah memilih insan yang patut ditaburkan cinta...human is a creature that full of desperation, full of confusion, full of emotion that they; themselves cannot understand what they really want...but desperation will lead to a success in love...love is a very complicated feeling.

why we have to let the past keep on lingering in our live...especially the sad ones ? aku sendiri tak paham. but, mmg betul, sekali terluka dalam cinta, pasti susah untuk mencari penawarnya (ayat ini hanya utk mereka yg percayakan cinta). cinta itu mistik, misteri dan juga berbahaya....hanya mereka yang sanggup memperjudikan hidup dengan cinta, mampu untuk mengharungi dugaan cinta tetapi, bila sudah di alam cinta, semuanya pasti indah belaka....

well, aku pernah berada di alam cinta...its so sweet and tender...but cinta itu tidak kekal....tidak mungkin kekal...saat itu, aku akan rasakan aku adalah insan yang paling malang di dunia kerana gagal dalam bercinta...semua hanyala tipu belaka...i cried and cried and keep on thinking; what i've done ? why i have to deserve this ? i'm so loyal and honest and believe in love but u just said that u dont love me anymore, u dont believe in our love...kau tidak tahu, betapa kecewanya aku ketika itu....but i just smile and pretend that nothing happened...u know, deep in my heart...i cried so loud coz it really hurt...i dont understand and i dont want to understand anything coz there is nothing to understand....

as time goes by, aku makin dapat terima hakikat...aku tidak lagi menyalahkan dia, tidak sama sekali bahkan aku berterima kasih kerana dia telah memberikan aku peluang untuk merasai berapa manisnya cinta...tanpanya, mungkin aku buta tentang cinta dan tidak mengerti apakah maksudnya cinta....memori aku dan dia...tetap kusemat kemas dalam ingatanku...bagiku, itula satu satunya hartaku yang paling berharga....tiada galang gantinya...mungkin jodohku tidak panjang dengannya...terlalu mentah untuk menilai sesuatu yang berharga...terlalu muda untuk mengerti erti cinta...kabur dalam pengertian cinta itu sendiri...namun kuhargai apa yang telah dia lakukan, aku hargai segala perasaannya terhadapku dulu...paling tidak, hatinya pernah singgah di hatiku dan membahagiakanku...aku tetap tidak akan melupakanmu walau apa pun yang terjadi, walau hati ini telah dimilikki oleh insan lain kerana engkaulah yang pertama membawa ku ke dunia cinta...

mungkin orang akan kata aku bodoh kerana percayakan cinta namun bagiku cintalah yang menyebabkan aku bahagia...i still believe in love and know that the right person will love me and care for me...mungkin cinta ini tidak kekal namun aku tidak peduli...akan aku usahakan sedaya upayaku untuk membolehkannya bertahan...selama yang mungkin...


Anonymous said...

cinta datang dan pergi... kenapa perlu kita mendambakan cinta yang tak pasti izzu?

Katak Cumil said...

sesungguhnyer yg pahit itu penawar, mcm sedih jer bunyi, dambaan cinta sgt!

izzu said...

yeah, itu dulu ketika aku masih tak pasti dan masih mentah...so skrg, aku rasa..aku dah makin matang...so i just let it go..apa2 je benda yg dah lepas...now, i'm ready to fall in love again... :p

Anonymous said...

marilah meracau bersama sama...

izzu said...

skrg ni dah ok..taknak dah meracau2..sbb skrg ni tgh happy!!! yeay!!! tak dpt lagi tp tgh memasang strategi...

Anonymous said...

I think just because Rudi didn't accept Gadis as her lover doesn't mean she's not lesbian. If a guy treats a girl like his own sister and lover, does that mean he's not straight? Not necessarily, right?

izzu said...

yeah, dat is so right anonymous. well, maybe i was easily interpreted the story without considering any orther "hidden" factor.

well, are you straight person ?