Monday, April 20, 2009


AD, 20 tahun. Seorang studehnt law. Dia manja dan kadang2 sampai pening kepala nak layan gedik dan manja terlebih2, lebih2 lagi dalam sms. Tapi, dia seorang yang bijak dan petah berhujah. Well, AD is not studying law for nothing. Sometimes, it piss me off when we got into arguments. It feels like in a court room. Obviously i will be the defendant and AD will be the plaintif although i am the one who issue the law suit.

It is kinda difficult when u have someone who is intelligent and like to argue in everything that you said. Like it or not, it did scratch my ego and make me looked lesser than a man. But, i still hear what AD said and i love to make it look like a discussion rather than judging session.

Surprisingly, i like it when we fight and argue coz it shows that we are in the process of knowing and understanding each other. At least, AD what i dont like and vice versa. Da good thing is, AD can accept me as who i am and AD also can accept that i have babies other than AD. AD cool bout it. But, AD not just coll bout it, AD wanna knows everthing about my other babies. Crap !!

Abg ni, suka wat AD rasa bersalah. Cakap nak couple ngan AD tapi suka bagi AD nak nangis. AD memang sayang kat abg tau. Nak majukla macam ni.

AD tau. Abg dah bagitahu kali pertama kita jumpa. Thats why AD tak kisah abg bagitahu abg jumpa dgn si A ke, si B ke, AD tak kisah. Cemburu tu, tandanya sayang tapi AD tak marah. AD harap kita dapat ambil berat macam dulu ye. AD minta maaf kalo abg kecil hati. AD rindukan abg je. Jangan lupa lunch.

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