Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Yes, M cheated on me and maybe M have hidden agenda on me but I still want M to be, at least within my sight and I don’t want M to cut me off directly. Right now, I don’t have any chance to do that anymore since M already removed me from fb (I curi2 tgk profile dia, utk tau apa perkembangan dia). Thanks to everyone for doing the good job.

They realized that M is just 21 years old and agreed that I treated M like a kid but what they did was even worse. They mocked M, perli2 dlm fb, sindir dia, for what had happened to me. That is just so wrong.

I sbg bf dia pun, yang bagi teguran secara elok dan cakap baik2, pun dia marah2 ngan I, apatah lagi kawan2 kita yang mmg terkenal ngan mulut laser. Dia tak tahan peer pressure that is why M removed everyone including me (previously, M did not remove me and they make speculation about it and post it in fb too). Are they matured enuff ?

Kadang2, I tak paham kenapa it turn out to be like this. Sometimes, I rasa nak salahkan semua org. I rasa menyesal kenalkan M ngan kawan2 i. I rasa menyesal ajak M dok sama ngan i. patutnya, I dok sorg2 dan I ajak M dok sama ngan i. tapi, kalo buat mcm tu, maybe I tatau kecurangan dia but itu bukanlah lesen utk mocked dan perli M mcm tu.

M is just 21 years old and M still don’t know what M want. This statement was said to me, over and over to get me move forward but do they understand what they did to M ?

I can handle peer pressure and I don’t show rasa tak puas hati and I just keep it to myself. Kalo I tak tahan, I nangis la sorg2, sbb I taknak nampak lemah (but I failed to do that on my breakup day).

But M bukan mcm tu, dia tak paham. M cannot deal with that, the peer pressure. M run away instead of dealing with it. Even, I still rasa sedikit sebanyak factor kawan2, buatkan hubungan i dan M makin teruk. Cuma I je tak sedar sbb I rasa bahagia ngan M, I rasa bertuah ngan M. I tatau rupanya M tak happy ngan I, M tak suka cara I dan M tak pernah mention directly to me.


::..dYa..:: said...

suash jugak couple ngan orang yang suka pendam perasaan nie

izzu said...

betul tu cik noor, i think i have to work out my communication skills.

i am very outspoken but my ex-partner is totally different.

now, i have to learn how to make mereka yang tak byk ckp utk express the feeling