all these pictures was taken during my last days in utp for semester january 2005. rite now, i'm in kota kinabalu, sabah for my internship and will going back to utp, by end of this july to continue my study, my last semester. all the pictures keep my memories and i didnt get bored looking at them. when i complete my internship and going back to utp, some of them will not be in utp anymore. huhu, so sad. baru je nak bermesra lebih2, takleh jumpa pulak dah. tapi, xpe. patah tumbuh hilang berganti, kan ? walaupun tak sama at least u'll got more new friends. i wont trash away my old friends coz they're valuable for me. i dedicate my appreciation to all of them, for being my friends. thanks to all of you. :)
these are some of my housemate. from left: hayy, aripp, me, mail & mahat. sitting at the front is abshar. took this picture in my room
this is our group. the remaining of "NOTS & NAYAH". having our last dinner for the semester. from left: pisah, husam, fira, lela, me & syai.
me with ijan, took this picture in his room. he was studying for the exam on the next day
me with alhafiz. took this picture at his house. he's a nice person and treat me good. we're always in the same group for any project, last semester
this is our common room, in village 4A. next to me is juso. the guy in white shirt is dick and next to him is...i dont remember his name. they're study hard for exam the next day. i'm lucky to have picture with juso and dick. they're hot guys. tak caya ? tanyala apau, acai, and katong (dia selalu usha aku kat kafe --> ayat katong)
me with odek. his house is in front of mine. He's very nice to me and always helping me with my study. thank GOD!! without him, maybe i'd failed the petroleum subjects. hehehe...
me with zarir. housemate of odeq. we're buddies this semester. sharing a lot of his "dark secrets" with me. time to expose yourself to the world, dude!!
me with reza and forgot the other guy's name. reza is the one who's sitting in the middle. someone has a crush on him. do u know who, fira ? he's a nice guy too. always in silent
me with geng gila2. sgt seronok ngan diorg. happy je. mayon on the left and zack on the right. zack mmg gila, tgh bergambar pun still nak buat "aksi" camtu. choi je
me with some of my ex-housemate. i've been living with them for 3 semesters. we're having fun time together. from left: alien, raja, piko & meme.
me with mayon. having dinner at mc'd in kinta city, ipoh. when i look at this picture, i'll always in happy mode.
me with adik2. took this picture in shy's room. front: pisah, me & wanie. back : lela & shy.
me & lela were playing computer games, street fighter. of coz i beat him sooo many times.
this journey to memory lane make me hungry. have to eat a lot since, this is my last day in utp for sem jan05. hehehe....