It is been a long time, i dont step my feet at Starbucks Coffee. I love coffee but i prefer to go some place which offer cheaper price and place which i know what to order. But today, is an exception since my lunch date really like Starbucks Coffee (his favourite flirting port), i step my feet in and place my order. Have no choice, since he dont like my suggestion; have a drink at food court. Of coz, no one like food court !!!! Except me :)
I love food court coz of the cheap price and variety of delicacies offered. Beside, it is good for your eyes and neck exercise. (usha orang la, apa lagi. kan ramai org makan kat situ) Lagipun, i still have this stigma within myself. Starbucks, Coffee Bean and Dome just for rich people which i am not.
That places are also for people who thinks they are high class, and have some lifestyle standard to meet up which make me uncomfortable. Even, you can see their faces show the egoistic facial expression which say, "Look at me. I am rich and have luxurious lifestyle. A coffee at this place is like donating a ringgit to a blind man who sells tissue. Even, i can pay triple for any drinks that i want" (Wow, am i over fantasize it ? but that is what i feel inside) That is why, i try my best to avoid any offer to have a drink or meal at these place. U wanna know how much that i have to pay for my lunch ?
That places are also for people who thinks they are high class, and have some lifestyle standard to meet up which make me uncomfortable. Even, you can see their faces show the egoistic facial expression which say, "Look at me. I am rich and have luxurious lifestyle. A coffee at this place is like donating a ringgit to a blind man who sells tissue. Even, i can pay triple for any drinks that i want" (Wow, am i over fantasize it ? but that is what i feel inside) That is why, i try my best to avoid any offer to have a drink or meal at these place. U wanna know how much that i have to pay for my lunch ?
Others may say that figure still cheap but for me, i can get a plate of rice with dishes and soft drink. Then, i can get bloated after eat all that. But, today lunch meal....hmm, i dont think so. Still feel empty inside.
If my lunch date, asked me to have a drink at this kind of places...obviously i will not interested to meet "the lunch date" again. I am not that poor, i can afford it but it is just not my cup of coffee. For me, it is just a way for me to evaluate the person and my potential TemanTapiMesra.
If my lunch date, asked me to have a drink at this kind of places...obviously i will not interested to meet "the lunch date" again. I am not that poor, i can afford it but it is just not my cup of coffee. For me, it is just a way for me to evaluate the person and my potential TemanTapiMesra.
Output dari lunch date sedikit mengecewakan. Kenapa ? Macam biasalah, pelawaan untuk hook-up ditolak lagi. Jawapan standard, "Next time, la bang. Saya belum bersedia lagi. Lagipun saya nak menten VIRGIN selama setahun. Tarikh tempoh matang, November 2009." What a fucked up answer and what a waste !!!!
WTF ? Ada gak jawapan macam tu ? Wutever la, biasalah semua org nak jual mahal kan. Tapi, takpe, lambat laun, aku akan dapat gak. Sebab aku tau, aku ni memang taste dia. Cuma dia perlukan masa. Yelah, dia lebih kpd LTR (Long Term Relationship). For me, it is a big no no no. I feel very itchy when i hear that statement. LTR ? No way, at least for da time being. It is so hard for me to say the declaration word. Feel like taboo word. My previous experiences, the declaration mode can only be lasted within a month than it will broke up. I guess, it didnt work out well.
Aku lebih suka konsep, TTM (Teman Tapi Mesra). Lagi long lasting. (Sebenarnya, only an excuse untuk pasang banyak partner kan !! What a bitch !!!!) Yeah, i still commit with my partners but the difference is, i dont say the declaration word. I did all of my responsibilities to them or at least, i do what they want me to do and be what they want me to be for them. In other way, it is more like mutual agreement. Both parties get what they want....hmm, maybe not all since the partners wanna tie da knot. I dont feel really comfortable with dat. Nah....
I believe in love, in relationship but for now, i am not thinking to settle down yet. What I mean, just stick with the one and only partners. I love polygamy rather than monogamy. As long as u know, how to balance it....i am sure you are ok.
With this person, i think i am already give up. It is not that i dont have patience but i think it is not worth it. Suddenly, i feel quite sensitive with the statement from this person.
I asked to have a picture which both of us, in da picture. It is not like lovey dovey picture, just a "friendly" picture but this person dont like da idea. This person told me, that picture will be a reason for pecah tembelang. WTF ?
I asked to have a picture which both of us, in da picture. It is not like lovey dovey picture, just a "friendly" picture but this person dont like da idea. This person told me, that picture will be a reason for pecah tembelang. WTF ?
I dont understand with the statement. It is not like we're hugging or kissing in the picture (btw, we are in KLCC, open space with a lot of people, gila ke nak buat camtu) . It is just a picture, for me to keep as a proof that we have good relationship and at least i can keep it as one of my "sweet-memory-picture" (juga sebagai koleksi potential scandal...heheheh)
But the statement pecah tembelang, really turned me off. So, i just go back like that without saying a word and now, writing my devastated feeling in here. Am i over reacting or just over sensitive ? But, honestly i dont like the words PECAH TEMBELANG. It is so bullshit.
But the statement pecah tembelang, really turned me off. So, i just go back like that without saying a word and now, writing my devastated feeling in here. Am i over reacting or just over sensitive ? But, honestly i dont like the words PECAH TEMBELANG. It is so bullshit.
For you, hi hi bye bye. I dont think, i am interested to see you anymore. Just find someone else.
p/s : but, if this person "menyerah diri", aku sapu gak. hehehehe...mana leh tolak rejeki :)
ala sian kat izzu..yerp teman tp msra tu lg better kan dri long term relationship hurm:)
rizz, jom TTM ngan abg, nak ?
pick me!
tanak amik ko, setiap hari tgk muka ko, bosan
hahaha.. mak gila kejap!!
ko mmg gila 24 jam, ciksal
nok.. lagi baik kao champak je bread cokelat tuh kat buka budak tuh.. mrasa~! promoter jusco pown brangan demand nak lpk coffee beans bagai... mak nih promoter THE STORE makan kat gerai sahajork~! HOW tu?~**lariiikkkss
yuols, jgn salahkan baby jusco i sbb baby jusco i, dia merendah diri dan terima je dgn hati yg terbuka, apa i bagi
ini adalah baby baru...yang baru nak direkrut
"Jom lepak Starbucks" said A
"Taknak ah! Ramai sgt org! Kita lepak kt Coffee Bean lah" B replied.
If we want to find a hectic place, we'll choose Starbucks as a place to talk over coffee. Some people prefer to find not crowded as Starbucks but cozy, they will choose Coffee Bean. And some people can't afford to pay extra bucks and they buy their coffee at kopitiam. We CHOOSE to find a proper place and makes us comfortable. But that's what I'm trying to share here. But the significant is there.
My point is, anything we do or we decide, we have to choose. Whether we can choose both or we just can choose only one. As long any decision making will make us comfortable and happy we just proceed. We draw the line so we can see the differences. Some people don't know what they want and the line is somehow everywhere. Kejap lukis tebal2 then padam sket2, lepas tu sambung balik buat dash. So, it's unexplainable. I don't prefer TTM, even though it's bold, but it's still in the grey area. Nonetheless, everyone has his/her preferences.
Just my 2 cents. This is my first time reading ur blog. And what a interesting post! Lemme give u this link for u to read. Maybe u can understand what's the missing spot. And I learn alot from his writing.
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