Thursday, June 08, 2006


"People with anorexia have an intense fear of being fat. When a person has anorexia, he or she hardly eats at all — and the small amount of food that is eaten becomes an obsession. A person with anorexia may weigh food before eating it or compulsively count the calories of everything. It is not unusual for a person with anorexia to also exercise excessively in an attempt to lose weight."

"A unique feature of anorexia is not only the strong desire to be very thin, but also the altered body perception that goes with it. Even though they might be shedding pounds at a dangerous rate, people with anorexia don't see themselves as thin. A person with the condition can look in the mirror and actually see a fat person."

"Characteristics of Anorexia":
- drops weight to about 20% below normal
- denies feeling hungry
- exercises excessively
- feels fat
- withdraws from social activities

Effects of Eating Disorders

Whatever the cause of an eating disorder, the effects can be damaging — if not downright devastating and life threatening. People who weigh at least 15% less than the normal weight for their height may not have enough body fat to keep their organs and other body parts healthy.

A person with anorexia can do damage to the heart, liver, and kidneys by not eating enough. The body slows everything down as if it were starving, causing a drop in blood pressure, pulse, and breathing rate. (For girls, this starvation mode may mean they stop getting their periods.)

Lack of energy can lead people with anorexia to feel light-headed and unable to concentrate. Anemia (lack of red blood cells) and swollen joints are common in people with anorexia, as are brittle bones. Anorexia can cause a person's hair to fall out, fingernails to break off, and a soft hair called lanugo to grow all over the skin. In severe cases, eating disorders can lead to severe malnutrition and even death.

For details, just visit this website:

  • This link is for calculating the BMI

  • Di akhir kata, amalkanlah cara hidup sihat~

    p/s : TQ Shasha for this fact and advice :)

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